“We wanted to make a movie about happiness. Sometimes the line between happiness and sadness is as fragile as a thinning hair.”
Felipe Torres Urso
Esteban Torres Urso
produced BY
Felipe Torres Urso, Esteban Torres Urso, Andres Jeanton, Martin Urruela, Eric Christian Olsen
Thure Lindhardt & Camilla Belle
Bald is the story of a regular guy who’s striving to find his own happiness. Even though there are billions of human beings on Earth, and our planet is only a speck in an incomprehensibly vast universe, it’s perfectly natural for each of us to be the center of our own universe. We must live life through our own set of eyes, day in and day out, we are confronted with our own thoughts and feelings, goals and obstacles that we work to overcome. But then there are inevitable losses - the things we have no control over - that make our happiness impossible to attain.
For Geoffrey Bunyon, the inevitable loss is hair-loss. And as insignificant as it may seem to someone else, Geoffrey’s balding scalp is making him miserable. It’s the only thing he can think about - it consumes him! But what can he do? He can’t afford a transplant, or even a gym membership to go for the “bald but badass Vin Diesel look.” It’s affecting his work, and his love-life is disappearing as fast as his hair (if that’s even possible). He’s losing time on this race towards desolation.
It will take a comically-cast group of fellow baldsmen and women to guide Geoffrey into embracing his new situation, and start loving himself again. But it will take a particularly special person to help Geoffrey see outside of himself, at the larger picture of humanity, and strangely, it is this refocussing of attention (away from the self) that could be the key to individual happiness. But of course, there are things that are out of our control, and the line between happiness and misery remains as fragile as a thinning hair.
“The Options Of A Bald Person”
“Bald Is Beautiful”
“There’s A Hair In My Soup”
“Ten Times A Day”